Join us in the Park and at the Fire house for a great day filled with activities on September 5, 2022 from 10am – 7 pm.
At the Park
Throughout the Day
- Vendors Row opens at 10am
- Train Rides for the kids
- Bounce House for the kids
- Pie Throw: Throw pie at the face of a town employee, mayor or board member.
Cornhole Tournament 11 am
Registration opens at 10am. $30 per 2 person team. Cash prizes awarded from registration fees collected.
Senior Class Auction starts at 1:15pm
Bid on 8 hours of work from a local Big Sandy School Senior Class Student at 1:15pm in the park.
Afternoon Events start at 2pm
- Egg Toss: Free to Enter, Prizes Awarded! Starts at 2pm on Pueblo Street by the park.
- Sack Races following the Egg Toss
Dinner in Park – 5pm to 7pm
BBQ plate for $8 will be served in the park from 5pm to 7pm.
At the Fire Station
Hamburger Lunch 11am – 1pm
Served by the Simla Fire Department.
Obstacle Course 11am-1pm
Firefighter Obstacle Course for kids